Project journal por de sol

turn on a 120VAC lamp


a piezo-electric vibration sensor

also have light detector so it won't stay on during the day


* relay (isolation from 120VAC)

* transistor to control relay

* piezo sensor

* light sensor

* magic software to make it all work perfectly

* circuit





Current Highest risk: I am not sure how to make the pizo sensor work.

Current second highest risk: sensor imput design needs to be fixed.

Current task: Making a compact circuit design for soldering on wednesdays class.


Tasks for Wednesday

    -solder in 5v power bar

     -disconnect middle channle from arduino



Materials :

I now have: diodes, electrical tape, 30ft black 10ga eletrical wire 120v rated, 

I need : red electrical wire 120v rated, a soldering iron.