Katy's Log


Katy's Log


At the End


I have made a video to show you where I have gotten with the project.
in a google doc that I have shared with you.

I figured out how to use a ULN2003 Darlington transistor to wire the RGB LED strip so that they can display colors based on Arduino codes with fade in and fade out effects.
The wire colors coordinates with the color of the light as you can see on the video. 
I followed a schematic online but made changes to it http://ikennd.ac/pictures/for_posts/2011/09/ArduinoDioderWiring.png
I also figured out that I can mix the red, green and blue to produce yellow and purple and white.
I plan on putting this in a lamp shade.

PWM RGB Blink Color Test Script with fade in and fade out

int ledPinB = 2; //Blue
int ledPinG = 3; //Green

int ledPinR=4; //Red
// variable to store the read value
int i = 0;

void setup()
pinMode(ledPinR, OUTPUT);//tell Arduino LED is an output
pinMode(ledPinG, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ledPinB, OUTPUT);


void loop()

for (i = 0; i < 255; i++) { // loop from 0 to 254 fade in
  analogWrite(ledPinR, i);

for (i = 255; i> 0; i--) {// loop from 255 to 1 fade out
  analogWrite(ledPinR, i);
for (i = 0; i < 255; i++) { // loop from 0 to 254 fade in
  analogWrite(ledPinG, i);

for (i = 255; i> 0; i--) {// loop from 255 to 1 fade out
  analogWrite(ledPinG, i);
for (i = 0; i < 255; i++) { // loop from 0 to 254 fade in
  analogWrite(ledPinB, i);

for (i = 255; i> 0; i--) {// loop from 255 to 1 fade out
  analogWrite(ledPinB, i);

Final week


Following some of the advice on here


Learned about ULN2003 Darlington Array Transistors and how to use it to control RGB strip LED with Arduino

Learned about shift register 74HC595 and how it looks the same as a ULN2003


Followed schematic


tried to install Xcode App to Creating a Cocoa application to send messages to the Arduino - did not figure out how


Settled on using Arduino code to control RGB strip LED

PWM RGB Blink Color Test Script
By EverestX

int ledPinR = 3; //Red
int ledPinG = 5; //Green
int ledPinB =6; //Blue
// variable to store the read value

void setup()
pinMode(ledPinR, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ledPinG, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ledPinB, OUTPUT);


void loop()
Serial.print(" Red");
analogWrite(ledPinR, 255);
analogWrite(ledPinB, 0);

Serial.print(" Green");
analogWrite(ledPinR, 0);
analogWrite(ledPinB, 0);

Serial.print(" Blue");
analogWrite(ledPinR, 0);
analogWrite(ledPinB, 255);

Serial.print(" Yellow");
analogWrite(ledPinR, 255);
analogWrite(ledPinG, 255);
analogWrite(ledPinB, 0);

Serial.print(" Teal");
analogWrite(ledPinR, 0);
analogWrite(ledPinB, 255);

Serial.print(" Pink");
analogWrite(ledPinR, 255);
analogWrite(ledPinB, 255);

Serial.print(" WHITE");
analogWrite(ledPinR, 255);
analogWrite(ledPinB, 255);

Serial.print(" OFF");
analogWrite(ledPinR, 0);
analogWrite(ledPinB, 0);



Week before final week


Trying to incorporate Processing into the project. 

Followed directions on http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Interfacing/Processing



Considering the use of LED strip



Today's date: 4.11.2012


Word association to mood lighting


Today, what is the current highest risk part of your project?


LED Ambient Mood Light

Create http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Make-an-LED-Ambient-Mood-Light-A-Beginner-/

The following materials are used:

Arduino Uno board (older boards should be compatible)  

USB A to USB B connector cable 

Computer with Arduino IDE software 
  Arduino solder-less breadboard shield 
3 resistors (330 ohm) 
Red LED 
  Green LED  
  Blue LED 
  breadboard connector wire
  white paper 




Find the program that would take spoken words from a mic and give them functions.

There's Processing program that sends alignment data to arduino boards ?




A speech synthesis and recognition library that is cross-platform, accessible from Java and C++, and has a very small API. Uses CMU Sphinx4 and FreeTTS internally.

To install:



what is your plan to alleviate that risk?


Look all that up and get the lights.

How would the light correspond with the words?


what is you plan to do for/in next class? 

How do I put everything together and what's the connections I need.


After Class

what actually happened?


Got more information: mic transmit audio signal to electrical signal

What will you do before the next class meeting?


What problems did you run in to?


What is your plan forward?


what parts, information, and assistance do you need ?




Today's date: 4.4.2012


Word association to mood lighting


Today, what is the current highest risk part of your project?

Get Fluorescent lighting (may not work because they cannot dim)

Find the program that would take spoken words from a mic and give them functions.

There's Processing program that sends alignment data to arduino boards 


what is your plan to alleviate that risk?

Look all that up and get the lights.

How would the light correspond with the words?


what is you plan to do for/in next class? 

How do I put everything together and what's the connections I need.


After Class

what actually happened?

Got more information: mic transmit audio signal to electrical signal

What will you do before the next class meeting?

What problems did you run in to

What is your plan forward?

what parts, information, and assistance do you need ?